An independent iOS Developer, designing, developing, & publishing apps.

Apps currently in the App Store:

A fitness app developed with storyboards, UIKit and Core Data in 2019. I rebuilt the app entirely with additional features in 2021 using SwiftUI.

Developed with SwiftUI, using CloudKit, CoreData, & RevenueCat. Includes an audio player using AVSpeechSynthesizer which reads learning points and asks questions.

Developed with SwiftUI, using CloudKit & CoreData

Developed with SwiftUI, using CloudKit, MapKit, OpenWeatherMaps API, WebViews, & CoreData.

Developed with storyboards and UIKit. I later updated the app using SwiftUI adding four new mini-games, but keeping the games earlier built with UIKit

Developed in SwiftUI, and Firebase. Local persistence is in UserDefaults. The 300 learning points can be updated remotely by myself via Firebase remote configuration.

Developed using UIKit , Realm, Cocoa Pods, and AV Foundations. At first it included subscriptions as in-app purchases, but I later removed those options and included all features with the initial purchase.

Developed in SwiftUI, encompassing sounds with AVFoundations.


iOS 13 & Swift 5 - App Development Bootcamp London App Brewery, Udemy          (59.5 hours)

Twitter SwiftUI Clone | Firestore | MVVM:  Stephan Dowless, Udemy                  (13.5 hours)

Full Stack iOS Development - SwiftUI & Vapor: Mohammad Azam, Udemy                (12 hours)

SwiftUI Cookbook: Mohammad Azam, Udemy                (11 hours)

SwiftUI 2: Build Netflix Clone – iOS 14- Xcode 12:  Nikita Thomas, Udemy                    (11 hours)

Unit Testing Swift Mobile Apps: Sergey Kargopolov, Udemy             (9.5 hours)

SwiftUI - Build Tinder Clone-SwiftUI Best Practices, Nikita Thomas, Udemy      (9.5 hours)

The Complete ARKit Course: Augmented Reality Apps: Rob Percival, Udemy            (9.5 hours)

Core Data in iOS: Mohammad Azam, Udemy                (8.5 hours)

GraphQL with iOS & SwiftUl… Developers Guide: Mohammad Azam, Udemy            (7.5 hours)

Swift for Intermediate and Advanced iOS Developers: Mohammad Azam, Udemy   (7.5 hours)

Unreal Engine 5: Complete Beginners Course: Tyler DeLange, Udemy                       (7.5 hours)

iOS 11 Fundamentals & Swift Fundamentals : Simon Allardice, Pluralsight            (7+ hours)

Clean Code: Maximilian Schwarzmüller, Udemy                        (6.5 hours)

Async/Await & Actors - Concurrency in Swift: Mohammad Azam, Udemy               (3 hours)

The Complete Guide to JSON Parsing: Mohammad Azam, Udemy                (5 hours)

iOS App Development Accessibility: Kevin Favro, LinkedIn Learning (2.5 hours)

iOS Development Security: Károly Nyisztor, LinkedIn Learning (2 hours)

Building iOS Apps with CloudKit: Doron Katz, LinkedInLearning (2 hours)

The 3 Month App Case Study: CodeWithChris